The 2018
edition’s theme is “Leadership beyond
Influence.” The premise and
focus of KIC Nigeria 2018 is to design leaders who understand leadership beyond
the gains that come with it and the insatiable desire to ‘influence’ others. KIC Nigeria 2018 is focused on THE DRIVER AND
THE PROCESS. Hence we are targeting Personality
Development (Morals, Values, Ethics and Skills) that will drive the Systems of Transformation (content, context,
speed and destination) from Knowledge Economy through to the Human Economy.
Volunteer Meet up: Interested
individuals will converge for orientation and interaction concerning all the
activities and information to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this
massive event. Based on interest and skill sets, assigned and deployed
accordingly. The KIC Meet Up is scheduled to take place 1st week of
v Conference
of Secondary School Prefects (Competitiveness):
A 1-day intensive training on Leadership
Beyond Influence for school prefects from registered selected secondary schools
so that they can go back to integrate the training in their respective circles,
schools and homes. This will feature the
Selcan Miner Leadership Quadrant and Presentations from other Notable Speakers
and the TFQ Applied Leadership Tool. This is scheduled to take place in the 1st
week of March.
v Leadership Essay Competition:
An Essay
competition on the four (4) Cardinal Pillars of Leadership will also kick off
at the same time. This will take place from the 1st week of March.
Open to only registered Schools.
v Conference
of Secondary School Prefects (Convergence):
The follow up to the 1st edition of the first conference will
commence for feedback and experience and peer group evaluation. This will take place in the 1st week
of July as the build up to the Grand Finale of KIC Nigeria 2018 gathers
v Grand Finale
of KIC Nigeria 2018:
At the KIC
Nigeria Grand Finale, using the Kommon Sense Cards, the participants are
expected to brainstorm, interrogate and discuss “Leadership beyond Influence”
using the Kommon Sense Cards in the presence of students, parents and the
general audience. The winner of the KIC Nigeria 2018 edition shall be presented
with the star prize while the winner of the Essay competition shall also be
awarded the cash price during the Grand Finale.
We are open
to suggestions and advice in view of manufacturing a leader /leadership tribe
for the urgent need before us.
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