Introduction: Victor Prince Dickson is the Inventor of Kommon Sense, the Founder of Micro-Reality Thinking Academy, Author of Thinking Field Workbook, Creator of the T-Field Thinking Apps, Convener of the Nigerian Dream Community and Creator of KIC NIGERIA.
“My vision for KIC Nigeria is simply to change our current realities. The rising cases of mental illness, rape, crises, divorce and injustice is a clear indication that we have gotten it all wrong. Despite our technological advancement, we have become bad human beings. Despite our development, somehow we have failed to advance on issues like justice, truth, friendship, peace and tolerance.
For me, it makes no sense that you are a good C.E.O but a terrible parent, the best songwriter but an unfaithful lover, a perfect teacher but an irresponsible citizen, a leader without discipline. This is causing so much confusion and re-definition of meanings and values.
And so at the point of inventing Kommon Sense, it was a matter of orientation and re-orientation, where I hope to restore values, ethics and morals into the learning process and education in general through the principles of creative communication, critical thinking, strategic thinking and strategic communication.
One of the unique features of Kommon Sense is its ability to be adapted to any group, class, subject and purpose. As social scientists, we have used this unique feature to create a new principle called “From Peer Pressure To Peer Education”
It is in this light that we introduced Kommon Sense into different categories and platforms such as Kommon Sense Arena (Reality TV), Kommon Sense in Prisons, Kommon Sense Global, Kommon Sense Anthologies, Kommon Sense Radio and Kommon Sense Inter-College Competition, which is now known as KIC NIGERIA.
KIC NIGERIA is focused on exposing students to critical and moral empowerment, where the students can learn to connect their curriculum and experience to the realities of life such as justice, truth, leadership, family, work, love, sex, etc.
In KIC, my dream is to expand the capacity of students to accommodate practical realities and through the process learn how all of these are connected in terms of cause and effects and within a competitive platform.
The KIC strategy is designed to help Secondary School students to reclaim the power of holistic knowledge, where one need to think through before taking actions, where negative mentality and perspectives are corrected and by so doing reclaim human values, professional ethics and morals.
This will help them tolerate and accommodate opposing views enough to communicate and negotiate without crises and war and by extension this will make them better individuals, better sons and daughters, better friends and spouses, better employers and employees, which will in the long run translate to better citizens of Nigeria and the world.
Therefore in a very subtle way, it is me designing a better future for Nigeria, Africa and the world based on human dynamics.
Wonderful, Sir.