About Us

Nigeria is grappling with so many challenges; these challenges are borne out of attitudinal failures and a weak critical, strategic and creative culture. These translate to corruption, indiscipline, poor education, poverty, poor leadership, unstable economy, lack of good governance, etc.

Changing this culture overnight is not possible, however, it is possible to begin now to build a new culture by empowering Nigerians, especially young Nigerian students to think critically, plan strategically and evolve creatively based on value based approach to solving issues which will be anchored on morals and ethically proven principles.

Only one tool can guarantee this miracle,Kommon Sense Communication Tool The soft tool is specifically designed to educate, interrogate values, guide thoughts, evaluate and re-evaluate existing opinions, conviction and belief but most importantly moralize knowledge.

Using the alternative learning model, we have instituted a Kommon Sense Inter-College Competition, where we hope to convert peer pressure to peer education. As the best strategic Communication tool, Kommon Sense will be used to interrogate student’s appreciation of concepts, meanings and application of life in general such as leadership and  commerce through verbal enterprise.
The Competition is open to senior secondary students only. Participants can register through their schools or independently.